The Oligarchs are crowning their Infant King today
The destructive work of America's megalomaniacal egomaniacs has begun. It extends far into the future.
It is said that humans are social beings. The extent to which this is true is questionable; with each rightward shift in the world, I find myself increasingly sympathising with Molière's Misanthrope Alceste.
The rational person attempts to understand the world they inhabit, to grasp reality and reflect it in truth1. When truth ceases to be a desirable good, becoming malleable and changeable, reality becomes invisible, as we require truth to comprehend reality. This appears to be the ultimate goal of those who create so-called alternative truths: to render reality invisible by replacing truth with arbitrariness.
The known owners of so-called social media, and their pre-pubescent mafia boss, naturally have no interest in any form of truth. They suffer from severe narcissistic disorders, are egomaniacal, highly profit-obsessed, and morally perverted. To achieve their pathological goals: living out their fantasies of omnipotence and superiority, disproportionate enrichment, and destruction of all systems they perceive as obstacles. They literally walk over corpses: Trump fuels racial resentment, violent unrest, and announces his intention to implement and execute the death penalty mercilessly2. Zuckerberg accepts youth suicides following Facebook and Instagram consumption, Musk has restored Twitter accounts previously blocked for hate speech and incitement to violence since taking over X. Bezos disregards minimum safety standards at Amazon worldwide.
The Value of Lies
Untruths hold immense value for the bosses of so-called social media, a value that is dimensionally higher than posts that correspond to the truth. In their study The spread of true and false news online3, the authors discovered that false information spread significantly further, faster, and deeper across all information categories compared to messages that aligned with the truth.4
It is proven5, as the authors of the report write, that true news takes six times longer to reach 1,500 people, and even 20 times longer to traverse through 10 different forwarding stages. This is predominantly true for content that serves conspiracy theories, racial resentments, and calls to violence. The top 1% of false news cascades spread between 1,000 and 100,000 people, whilst truth rarely extended beyond 1,000 people.
The Destruction of Truth
Mark Zuckerberg's announcement on 7 January6, to relax fact-checking and to cease filtering certain subject areas through either AI or human-applied rules, serves the two major advantages that false information holds for him and his ilk: they exponentially increase advertising revenues. The second objective, which primarily interests the mafia boss who today has taken over the White House, is to obscure reality through the destruction of truth: the reality that he and his oligarchs are in the process of creating.
This is dire. The downfall. Until recently, our collective argument for surrendering our data was: I have nothing to hide. We were comforted by the thought that in the stable democracies we believed ourselves to inhabit, no one could — or more importantly, would — do anything with our intimate coordinates: images, location data, heartbeat, health status, sexual orientation. Now, all of these fall at once into the hands of a power-obsessed wannabe dictator, who won't hesitate to use everything his small claws grasp against us. A key point in Mark Zuckerberg's statement7 on relaxing the lie filters: Ultimately, we will work with President Trump to defend ourselves against governments worldwide. They are taking action against American companies and pushing for more censorship. The USA has the strongest constitutional protection of free speech worldwide. Europe has an ever-growing number of laws that institutionalise censorship and make it difficult to build anything innovative there.
Unelected Oligarchs
Move fast and break things has been Zuckerberg's motto from the beginning. The plan will succeed, as both politicians and the public can, by their very nature, only belatedly realise which things have been destroyed and to what extent by the lightning-quick movements of these martial artists.
Break things, translated into plain English, now becomes clear: destroy democracy. Or better yet: bend it to your will so that the functions that interest you serve you alone. Unchallenged false information for the masses, who will unquestioningly give you their lifetime, their money, and their votes. Musk8, Zuckerberg, Trump, Bezos, not forgetting Altman of Open AI: The oligarchs are now crowning their baby king, through whose power they will seize control. Nobody elected them – but who would want to impose rules on friends who financed your coronation ceremony?
The problem here, as always, is that we are confronted with facts. The megalomaniacal egomaniacs in America are light years ahead of us, having long since spread their plans across the strategy table and discussed everything. They are swift. Their work of destruction has long since begun, and it extends far into the future.
Change My Mind!
Never sink so low as to drink the cocoa through which they drag you.
Erich Kästner, 1932
The original German text and an Italian translation are accessible here and here, respectively.
Or better put: Truth strives to reflect reality, whilst reality serves as the reference point for our search for truth. Reality is 'what is', whilst truth represents our attempt to understand and describe this 'what is'.
The paper published in 2028 in Science has been funded by Twitter.
From Minute 03:54 of his declaration on 7 January 2025
Will Musk buy TikTok now, or is he still saving up for the acquisition of Central Europe?
"In a world in which so many powerful persons and institutions have a vested interest in making us lose faith in language's power to respond to and reveal reality, precise and attentive use of words is an act of resistance....
.... Every imaginatively crafted sentence, every perceptive reflection, every clear formulation, every accurate description is a small victory."
Toril Moi; Revolution of the Ordinary; 2017